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Crestwood has a multitude of events to offer kids!  

  • Pee Wee, Junior & Teen Golf Academy
  • Junior Tees making Crestwood a family golf course  
  • Swimming
  • Kids Easter Egg Hunt and Party
  • July 4th Games and Fireworks
  • Children's Christmas Party with Santa Claus Visit 
  • Kids Menu


junior golf



Junior Golf Academy                                   Tuesday Mornings                                June through July 

The Junior Golf Academy objectives are to teach the basic fundamentals of golf, etiquette, rules and strategy to play the game.  The clinics and on course play expose them to this information.  Each student learns and achieves relative to the amount of effort given.  The pee wee's (age 5 to 8) are light on  instruction and heavy on fun.  Intermediate level have weekly half hour clinics for instructions with play following in 3, 5, 9 or 18 hole groups.  The teen group has organized play and after 9 holes may

choose to participate in an instructional clinic or continue to the back nine.


Click on the links below and see a typical Junior Golf Academy day with instructions by Jake Austin, Head GOlf Professional.



                                             JUNIOR GOLF VIDEO II
























Expand the instruction ... Expand the Achievement!

Want more help with your game?  Junior golfers have the option of

participating in the above program or also add private instruction

in the form of mini lessons. 



Crestwood is a recognized family golf course which no offers two

new sets of FAMILY/JUNIOR/BEGINNER TEES.  These tees are

referred to as FAMILY GOLD which makes about a 3800 yard

course and FAMILY BLUE which is about 2200 yards.  Our

standard RED/LADIES tee is almost 5200 yards.  These shorter

tees are not only great for young kids and beginners but for those

who just don't hit as far as they did in the past and are looking

for a easier fun experience.  Families can enjoy playing golf together even more. Parents play from their tees and the kids play from their

age appropriate tees.  This gets you around at a faster pace.


 A "JUNIOR GOLF " is available for guests age 18 and under



Junior Golf Instruction




  SWIMMING:  Kids of all ages enjoy the swimming pool.  Crestwood has a new full size swimming pool with slide and separate wading pool for tots. *Kiddie pool is closed until further notice.*




EASTER EGG HUNT AND PARTY:  This annual event held on Easter Sunday is always well-attended by all our kids.  It features a traditional easter egg hunt, a visit from the Easter Bunny and games


                 Kids Easter Party



 July 4th Games and Fireworks:  This annual event brings out the whole family.  The afternoon begins with games for all ages.  Lots of food and beverage is available with a full family buffet followed by a fantastic fireworks display that gets bigger and better every year.    






CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS PARTY:  "You'd better not cry, you'd better not pout, Crestwood kids," cause Santa Claus never misses coming to Crestwood.  He always has a bag full of goodies and takes time to visit with each an every child in attendance. 


            Santa visits every year! 



KIDS MENU:  Kids are always welcome to dine.